The quality of the material is gold,silver,and stainless steel.There is thickness from 0.14m - 2.00m in diameter.There is also length from 3cm to 50cm.The most commonly used needles is about 0.2mm in diameter,3cm - 10cm in length.In our clinic,we use thinner needles 0.12mm in diameter.Since they are fine hair-like needles,most of the time insertion is generally not felt.Since it's very thin,it is bending.
One case,so fine moxa-like thread is placed directly on the skin,and burn.The scar of burn about small freckle remain in that place.It's a little bit hot a very.Another case is an indirect one.Usually,we put the moxa-sheet on the skin.The heat from burning moxa is transmitted to the skin,indirectry.You feel gentle warm.There are no scars.The other way of moxibustion is using a little larger size moxa,and remove them quickly before you feel hot.There are no scars.This way is good for increasing enargy.
The size of this needle is 0.14mm in diameter and 3mm in length.It's very small.We put some small needles into specific body points.Please keep them wear for about one week.Of course,you don't mind in your daily life.You can do anything you want.This method works well for pain and stiffness especially.
We call it"Kyutousin"."Kyutousin" is the use of fine needles inserted through the skin deeply (not a very deep),and put the moxa is about the size of Japanese apricot on the top of the needle.
It isn't hurt at all.This treatment is useful for "sciatica" "frozen shoulder" "herniation of disk" "climac teric disturbance" etc.Nice feeling!